Privacy & Security Ultimate data protection

At LoomPin, we prioritize our and your data security. With decades of experience in providing top-notch security, we are fully equipped to meet the requirements of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Localized database

Localized database

Our survey platform, LoomPin, includes a localized database that operates in 27 countries. We adhere to strict privacy policies and do not transfer data between regions or countries. By implementing this approach, we can ensure state-of-the-art security for our customer Data.

Sensitive data handling

Sensitive data handling

Effortlessly control the collection of sensitive data or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) throughout your organization by redacting and/or restricting it.

GDPR one-touch data deletion

GDPR one-touch data deletion

With just a click of a button, you can swiftly and effortlessly fulfill GDPR right-to-erasure requests. This includes deleting personal data that may be stored in survey responses, tickets, and contacts, regardless of the data's origin.

Own your data, own your rules!

Own your data, own your rules!

You have control over data collection, retention, and deletion. Regular backups ensure recovery, and all accounts have password protection with customizable complexity settings.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO)

Simplify user management with single sign-on authentication.

Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication

Enhance data security by implementing multi-factor authentication for users.

Platform security & data management

Enterprise Security

Built For enterprise security

To ensure compliance with GDPR regulations, we have implemented a range of security measures in our LoomPin SAAS Platform. These include –

  • Email security with SMTP server setup and DKIM
  • Data encryption in transit
  • Data centers audited with industry-standard SSAE-16 methods
  • Data redundancy for resilience during disasters
  • Independent third-party security reviews and penetration tests
  • Continuous network monitoring
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • In-house 24/7 security operations center
  • Active session management
  • Users can opt out of re-contact for a survey
  • Control password parameters and expirations
  • Industry-standard security evaluations
  • Role-based authentication
  • Data centers in the EU, US, Canada, and APAC
  • Localized database in 27 Countries
  • Data isolation option for unique encryption keys
  • IP whitelisting

Localized database

Currently running in 27 locations

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